Direct-to-Parent Program
Earn 3% Profit on Packs Sold After Your EPI Sale Ends
Parents Can Buy EPI Supplies Online with Our Direct-to-Parent Program
Great alternative for parents that missed your sale deadline.
Earn 3% profit on sales once your Main and Late Sales end. Your group will earn a profit on all packs purchased through 8/24/25. Your group must earn at least $25 in profit to receive a payout from EPI.
FREE Marketing Tools to help you promote this option to parents including digital flyers and social media images.
Items meet the requirements of your school supply lists. (*some restrictions may apply based on availability)
Pricing includes the cost of shipping and is the EPI standard retail price.
Packs shipped 1-3 business days after their order and sent to their home.
How to Sign Up
Your online ordering website is automatically turned on when your sale ends.
All you need to do is promote the option to parents using our FREE marketing tools. Request your customized tools below.